History of the Press in Bangladesh

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There is, so long, no complete book on the history of the press of the country. There are, of course, a few useful books by Prof Anisuzzaman, Prof. Muntasir Mumum and Mr Shamsul Huq. But they are on different periods and do not present a complete chronological description of the press of all the ages. The press in Bangladesh has emerged through the press in India and in some measure through the press in Pakistan. Apart form the master publication of S. Natarajan A History of the Press in India there are other books on the subject; of different periods dealing with different aspects of the institution. But these books do not much deal with the press in then East Bengal. During East Pakistan and later during Bangladesh some authors wrote some books which deal with one aspect of the press or the other of a short period and they form valuable literature on the subject. After the emergence of Bangladesh there were some more works either by teachers or by men of other disciplines. They contain materials to develop history but they are insufficient and not always consistent chronicles and are not history as such. But a consistent and complete narrative of the press is essential for the present generation and for the posterity.

Publisher: Abishkar Publication
ISBN: 978-984-92985-8-8
Number of pages: -

There is, so long, no complete book on the history of the press of the country. There are, of course, a few useful books by Prof Anisuzzaman, Prof. Muntasir Mumum and Mr Shamsul Huq. But they are on different periods and do not present a complete chronological description of the press of all the ages. The press in Bangladesh has emerged through the press in India and in some measure through the press in Pakistan. Apart form the master publication of S. Natarajan A History of the Press in India there are other books on the subject; of different periods dealing with different aspects of the institution. But these books do not much deal with the press in then East Bengal. During East Pakistan and later during Bangladesh some authors wrote some books which deal with one aspect of the press or the other of a short period and they form valuable literature on the subject. After the emergence of Bangladesh there were some more works either by teachers or by men of other disciplines. They contain materials to develop history but they are insufficient and not always consistent chronicles and are not history as such. But a consistent and complete narrative of the press is essential for the present generation and for the posterity.
There is, so long, no complete book on the history of the press of the country. There are, of course, a few useful books by Prof Anisuzzaman, Prof. Muntasir Mumum and Mr Shamsul Huq. But they are on different periods and do not present a complete chronological description of the press of all the ages. The press in Bangladesh has emerged through the press in India and in some measure through the press in Pakistan. Apart form the master publication of S. Natarajan A History of the Press in India there are other books on the subject; of different periods dealing with different aspects of the institution. But these books do not much deal with the press in then East Bengal. During East Pakistan and later during Bangladesh some authors wrote some books which deal with one aspect of the press or the other of a short period and they form valuable literature on the subject. After the emergence of Bangladesh there were some more works either by teachers or by men of other disciplines. They contain materials to develop history but they are insufficient and not always consistent chronicles and are not history as such. But a consistent and complete narrative of the press is essential for the present generation and for the posterity.

Publisher: Abishkar Publication
Category: অন্যান্য
ISBN: 978-984-92985-8-8
Number of pages: -

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